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Talking about the future.
When will you get here?
I'm sure Japan will win the world cup.
You'll need a visa to work in America.
I will see him next week.
Will you need to borrow my car?
Going to:
I'm going to Seattle, Washington next year.
Are you going to stay at a nice hotel?
I heard it's going to rain tomorrow.
What are you going to wear to the party?
I'm going to make chicken for dinner tonight.
Present continuous: (am/are (v)ing)
What are you doing tonight?
I'm playing soccer tonight.
He is eating dinner with us tomorrow.
Are you planning to visit us in Florida?
When is he starting his new job?
Present simple: (timetable / schedule)
The plane lands at 8pm.
I'm leaving at 10 in the morning.
What time does the store open tomorrow?
The next quarter begins on April 1st.
We meet the president of the company at 11am.