英語の発音を練習しましょう 数字 Pronunciation Practice - Numbers
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Days of the Month and Ranking |
1st First | 2nd Second | 3rd Third | 4th Fourth | 5th Fifth |
6th Sixth | 7th Seventh | 8th Eighth | 9th Ninth | 10th Tenth |
11th Eleventh | 12th Twelfth | 13th Thirteenth | 14th Fourteenth | 15th Fifteenth |
16th Sixteenth | 17th Seventeenth | 18th Eighteenth | 19th Nineteenth | 20th Twentieth |
21st Twentyfirst | 22nd Twentysecond | 23rd Twentythird | 24th Thwentyfourth | 25th -Twentyfifth |
26th Twentysixth | 27th Twentyseventh | 28th Twentyeighth | 29th Twentyninth | 30th Thirtieth |
31st Thitryfirst |
Counting |
1 One | 2 Two | 3 Three | 4 Four | 5 Five |
6 Six | 7 Seven | 8 Eight | 9 Nine | 10 Ten |
11 Eleven | 12 Twelve | 13 Thirteen | 14 Fourteen | 15 Fifteen |
16 Sixteen | 17 Seventeen | 18 Eighteen | 19 Nineteen | 20 Twenty |
21 Twenty-one | 22 Twenty-two | 23 Twenty-three | 24 Twenty-four | 25 -Twenty-five |
26 Twenty-six | 27 Twenty-seven | 28 Twenty-eight | 29 Twent-ynine | 30 Thirty |
Similar Sounding Numbers |
13 / 30 | 14 / 40 | 15 / 50 | 16 / 60 | 17 / 70 |
18 / 80 | 19 / 90 | 15 / 50 | 16 / 60 | 17 / 70 |
Decimals and Fractions |
1.0 One point zero/o | 1.2 One point two | 2.32 Two point thirty-two | 5.025 Five point zero two five | 67.892 Sixtyseven point eight nine two |
1/2 One half | 1/3 One third | 1/4 One quarter | 1/5 One fifth | 1/8 One eighth |
1 1/2 One and a half | 1 1/3 One and a third | 55 1/4 Fifty five and a quarter | 27 5/6 Twentyseven and five sixths | 5 7/8 Five and seven eighths |
US Money, and US slang for money |
1 cent, a penny | 5 cents, a nickel | 10 cents, a dime | 25 cents, a quarter | 50 cents, a half dollar, a half buck |
$1 One dollar, a buck | $5 Five dollars, 5 bucks | $100 One hundred dollars, a C note | $1000 One thousand dollars, a grand, 1K | $10,000 Ten thousand dollars, ten grand, ten g's, 10K |
$100,000 One hundredthousand dollars, 100 grand, 100K | $100,000,000 One million dollars | $1,000,000,000 One billion dollars | $1,000,000,000,000 One trillion dollars |
Various amounts in Dollars and Yen |
$1.52 | $13.25 | $185.47 | $10,968.88 | $155,452 |
$1.5 million | $78,000 | $2.2 billion | $1,780,000 | $2,689,785,225.69 | |
¥1 | ¥152 | ¥1889 | ¥10,963 | ¥100,005 | |
¥1,050,000 | ¥1.25 billion | ¥5.6 trillion | ¥896 | ¥1000 | |