丁寧な英語 Polite English Expressions
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Polite Expressions - For Staff
May I
May I have your name? お名前を伺っても宜しいですか?
May I take your order? ご注文をお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか。
Would you
Would you like a cocktail before dinner? お食事前にカクテルはいかがですか
Would you like 〜
Would you care for 〜
Polite Requests - For Everyone
May I
May I have another blanket? 毛布をもう一枚もらえますか?
May I have something to drink? 何か飲み物を頂けますか?
Would you mind
Would you mind sending the fax again? もう一度ファクスを送ってもらえませんか?
Would you mind taking my picture? 写真を撮っていただけませんか。
Would you mind opening the window? 窓を開けていただけますか。