プレゼンテーション英語 Presentation English
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Hello everyone,
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
My name is _______ and today I'll be talking about _______.
Please hold your questions till the end, there will be a brief Q & A period. 最後に質問の時間を設けています。
Todays presentation is about....
I'd like to start by... 。。。から話を始めたいと思います。
Let's begin by...
I'd like to begin with....
Pointing out slides
As you can see......
If you look at the following graph.....
Please turn to page......
It is clear from the study that....
It is obvious that we must...
In conclusion, we have to....
That concludes my presentation. これにて私の話を終えたいと思います。
Thank you for listening. ご清聴ありがとうございます。
Thank you for paying attention.
Question and Answer
Do you have any questions? : 何か質問はありますか
We have five minutes for Q & A. 質問をお受けする時間が5分あります。
I'm sorry, we don't have any time for questions.